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Where Data Meets Clarity

Revolutionize Your Clubhouse with Flourish

Flourish is a comprehensive data management and reporting tool built by Clubhouses for Clubhouses. Seamlessly manage data entry, streamline reporting for grants and accreditation, and empower your members with technology that’s designed with their needs in mind. All in a system that grows with you.

Trusted by Clubhouse everywhere ​

Is Your Organization Struggling to Find the Right Tool?

Most nonprofits struggle because many essential tools are costly, placing them beyond reach and limiting access to the resources they need.
Nonprofits often face challenges with limited data access due to equipment constraints or remote locations, making it difficult to stay connected and efficient.
Manual reporting is not only time-consuming, but it also diverts focus from crucial tasks, slowing down operations and hindering productivity.

Managing these challenges can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to face them alone. We provide the tools and strategies your organization needs to thrive.

By Clubhouses. For Clubhouses.

Flourish offers unlimited accounts and records with cloud-based access, requiring no special equipment, perfect for growing memberships and lifetime participation.

Automated CPQ Reporting

Flourish streamlines the Clubhouse Profile Questionnaire (CPQ) process by generating pre-built reports, saving hours of administrative work.

Custom Access Levels

Flourish is built to meet the diverse access needs of your organization, offering customizable access levels for different users. Whether it’s staff or members, Flourish ensures the right people have the right permissions.

User-Friendly Design

Flourish is designed with simplicity in mind, ensuring staff and members can focus on meaningful work rather than complex data management.

Extra Addons

Flourish Offers These Features and Many More for Your Clubhouse’s Success

Easily capture attendance, tasks, meetings, and workshops.

Record and monitor changes in housing, employment, and transportation

Manage member demographics, housing, employment, and transportation data.

Track outreach efforts and provided support services like transportation.


What the community is saying about Flourish

Ready to Simplify Your Data Management?

Let Flourish Handle Your Data, So Your Team Can Focus on Making an Impact.